Intended for students enrolling in Advanced Study of Education Practice, this syllabus contains information specific to the course. It is a definitive record of the course's primary characteristics and the learning outcomes that a typical student can reasonably be expected to achieve if he/she takes full advantage of the available learning opportunities. This document also serves as a reference for academic and support staff, internal and external examiners, and for future course monitoring and review.
Course Title
Advanced Study of Education Practice
Subject Area
Course Code
EDUC 71021
Course Level
Methods of Delivery
Expected Length
5.0 Weeks
Class Meetings
Dependent on the choice made during enrollment
Computer Software: Any computer software that aids learning.
Title: Foundations of American Education: Becoming Effective Teachers in Challenging Times
Author(s): James A. Johnson, Diann L. Musial, Gene E. Hall, and Donna M. Gollnick
Edition: 17th
ISBN: 9780134481104
Text 2: TSL
Title: Teaching for Student Learning: Becoming a Master Teacher
Author(s): Kevin Ryan, James M. Cooper, Susan Tauer, and Cory Callahan
Edition: 4th
ISBN: 9780357765838
Text 3: TMDI
Title: Teaching Models: Designing Instruction for 21st Century Learners
Author(s): Clare R. Kilbane and Natalie B. Milman
Edition: 1st
ISBN: 9780137520398
Students study some important aspects of the U.S. education system, among which are governance, finance, ethics, curriculum, and instruction. In addition, it also aims to expose students to new and innovative approaches to teaching, to become more aware of the challenges faced by teachers in today's educational institutions, and to develop a more concrete personal philosophy of education. Furthermore, this course explores a number of models of instruction, encouraging student educators to integrate these into practice.
Upon completion of the course, students are expected to be able to:
Possess an understanding of the historical, philosophical, and sociological foundations that undergird the role of public education in the U.S.
Be able to describe the role of a teacher within the school and the local community.
Be knowledgeable about the federal and state laws and regulations that govern education and the laws related to students' and teachers' rights and responsibilities.
Be able to identify contemporary issues and trends in education, including the impact of technology on education.
Cultivate an understanding of professional and ethical standards in teaching, as well as the role of personal integrity.
Be familiar with some models of instruction.
Possess a sound understanding of the branches of educational psychology and teaching and learning theory.
Have conducted research into the application of some educational models pertaining to educational practice.
Have developed a lesson plan by applying a knowledge of teaching models, instructional modifications, accommodations for individual learners, and assessment.
Develop a personal theory of learning that will address the needs of all students in a positive and meaningful learning environment.
Module 1
Historical Foundations of Education
Reference(s): FAEBETCT Ch1-3
Module 2
Philosophical Foundations of Education
Reference(s): FAEBETCT Ch4-5
Module 3
Sociological Foundations of Education
Reference(s): FAEBETCT Ch6-8
Module 4
Governance, Organization, and Legal Foundations of Education
Reference(s): FAEBETCT Ch9-10
Module 5
Curricular Foundations of Education
Reference(s): FAEBETCT Ch11-13
Module 6
Responsive Classroom Environments
Reference(s): TSL 1-4
Module 7
Understanding School Culture and Effectiveness
Reference(s): TSL Ch8-9
Module 8
Educational Law, Ethics of Teaching, and Professionalism
Reference(s): TSL Ch10-11
Module 9
Planning Instruction
Reference(s): TSL Ch5-6
Module 10
Assessing Student Learning
Reference(s): TSL Ch7 | TMDI Ch4
Module 11
Designing Effective Instruction
Reference(s): TMDI Ch1-2
Module 12
Instructional Tools for Educational Designers
Reference(s): TMDI Ch3
Module 13
Instructional Models I
Reference(s): TMDI Ch5-7
Module 14
Instructional Models II
Reference(s): TMDI Ch8-11
Module 15
Instructional Models III
Reference(s): TMDI Ch12-14
WEIGHT: 10.0%
DEADLINE: 23:59 (GMT+0) on Sunday of Week 5
All students are expected to participate in all types of classroom activities. Regular attendance is required in order to maximize the number of opportunities to engage in classroom activities. Marks are based on the quality of the contributions made rather than the quantity of posts submitted, comments made in class, etc.
Students are encouraged to exchange contact information and support one another should any classes be missed. They are advised to contact the course instructor about any concerns they may have.
WEIGHT: 30.0%
DEADLINE: 23:59 (GMT+0) on Sunday of Week 5
Students will introduce and demonstrate an example of an instructional model of their choice. This demonstration should include an overview of the model, a discussion of any theories underpinning it, and a creative activity or debate for the class to participate in. The demonstration shows how the model could be used in an instructional setting. Class members will be expected to actively participate in all creative activities and/or debates relating to their assigned group, and/or topic.
Creative presentation formats, as well as the use of audio and video recordings prepared by students are highly encouraged.
As part of the assignment, students shall be required to write a 2-page (approximately 500 words) reflective paper on their experience of, and/or ideas of teaching using the model.
Evaluation Criteria
(20.0%) Did the demonstration provide a useful, meaningful example for teachers?
(20.0%) Did the demonstration and accompanying paper reveal professionalism in scholarship and teaching?
(30.0%) Did the demonstration include a valuable activity for the class to participate in?
(15.0%) Did the reflective paper reveal how the student has grown as a teacher?
(15.0%) Did the reflective paper offer thoughtful theoretical and/or philosophical considerations?
WEIGHT: 60.0%
DEADLINE: 23:59 (GMT+0) on Sunday of Week 5
General Information
Students write an 8-page paper that describes a teaching platform. This platform should reflect a student's thinking about how learning occurs.
Description and Evaluation Criteria
(10.0%) About Me: a one-page paper explaining reasons for taking the course and hoped for outcomes.
(30.0%) Educational Autobiography: a personal description of experiences that have shaped one's understanding of what constitutes a meaningful educational experience. In conjunction with a discussion of various historical perspectives on education, a response to the question, 'What personal in-school and out-of-school experiences have been a significant influence on your thinking about the craft of teaching and the act of learning?' is required.
(20.0%) Educational Philosophy and Vision: a personal philosophy of education based on a reflection on various educational philosophies and theories described in the core texts and one's observations as a learner and a teacher.
(40.0%) Solving Professional Dilemmas: an exploration of the various aspects of a specific professional dilemma and a proposal for at least one temporary, short-term or long-term solution.
Please include the following in the report:
An attention-getting description of the dilemma.
The aspects of the problem.
Its current manifestations.
Its historical development.
The description and philosophical bases of various viewpoints.
Stories of personal experience.
An analysis of the impact on student learning.
Recommendations for teachers.
Anything else considered to be relevant.
All students are required to participate in all classroom activities, attend classes regularly, and prepare before classes for classroom activities that require advance preparation. Students need to fully appreciate that good attendance results in more opportunities to engage in quality participation, which, in turn, results in a more thorough acquisition of subject knowledge and higher participation grades.
Participation in classroom discussions and other types of activities indicates that students have read the assigned readings. Grades will not be based on the number of posts submitted or comments made in the classroom but on the overall quality of contributions to discussions.
If a student is unable to attend 3 or more classes, he/she may be asked to complete additional assignments to complete the course.
Modes of Attendance
For the portions of the course that take place over Microsoft Teams: Students are required to arrive on time and engage appropriately with their fellow students, their teacher(s) and course materials. They must attend with a functional web camera and microphone, have the latest version of Microsoft Teams installed on their computers, avoid attending via a mobile phone or web browser, and have all necessary materials to hand. Also, their cameras must be always switched on, except for occasions when privacy becomes a necessity. In addition, they must be appropriately attired, attend in an environment that will not distract them, their fellow students or their teacher(s), especially avoiding attending while in a vehicle, whether moving or stationary.
For the on-campus portions of the course: The mandatory on-campus session meets as per the AUS Campus Schedule. Good attendance is required to earn credits and pass the course. Students are not permitted to arrive late for class or leave class early. Students traveling from far away locations must plan accordingly, giving themselves plenty of time to arrive by the start of class.
Classroom Expectations
Classes start and end on time, with late entry or reentry allowed only under exceptional circumstances. All phones and electronic devices must be turned off for the duration of a class.
Students are expected to read assigned materials prior to class. Class discussions are based on their reading of these materials and their reflections on what they have learned and how these relate to their experiences. Assignments are intended to encourage students’ reflection on and synthesis of assigned topics and course discussions.
Assessments are listed in the course syllabus and are due by the stipulated deadlines. No assessment will be accepted after the day following the day it is due. If an assessment submission is one day late, it will receive an automatic reduction in grade of one letter (for example from an A to a B). After that, no late work will be accepted, and the student will receive an F grade for the assessment.
Late submission of papers must be approved in advance.
Students are responsible for understanding the University Policies and how to use resources appropriately. Violations of academic integrity are taken very seriously. Students should revisit the materials on the Orientation session to review important information pertaining to academic citation and referencing rules.
The university is committed to student welfare and accommodates students with disabilities and those who fall ill. Disability Services (DS) is responsible for accommodating students with disabilities. A student who wishes to be granted a special arrangement due to a disability or illness must request it through DS. Instructors cannot grant such requests without prior DS approval. DS should be contacted as soon as possible to avoid delays in the provision of such an arrangement.
Because the university takes student privacy very seriously, any medical documentation to support a request for an arrangement to accommodate any special needs connected with a disability or illness should be provided directly to DS. If a student misses any classes due to a short-term illness, he/she should notify his/her instructor, but avoid the inclusion of a doctor's note. Academic staff will not request, accept, or review doctor's notes or other forms of medical documentation. For more information, email DS@TheAUS.us.
Ethical considerations restrict how course materials and lectures may be used. Students may not post, publish, sell, or otherwise publicly distribute course materials without the written permission of the course instructor. Such materials include, but are not limited to, lecture notes, lecture slides, video and audio recordings, various types of assignments, examinations, other students’ work, and answer keys. In addition, students are not permitted to use materials prepared by faculty or students for courses that have previously taken place. These materials include, but are not limited to, case write-ups, Research Papers, summaries of readings, answers to Problem Sets, and answers to Academic Discussion topics. Furthermore, making video or audio recordings of class sessions for one’s own use without written permission from the instructor is not permitted. Infringements of the above-listed rules are taken seriously and may lead to disciplinary action, including a requirement to withdraw.
Additional information can be found on the course website.
Please note: the syllabus may be modified prior to and during a course, including updates to assignments and additional material.